terça-feira, 29 de janeiro de 2013

Gendering Food Security

Friday 8 February
2-5pm, Wolfson ResearchExchange, room 2.
Speakers include:
Stephanie BarrientosSchool of Environment and Development, University of Manchester.
Women farmers and workers in Gender Production Networks: Surviving the Cocoa-Chocolate Sourcing in Ghana and India.
Jessica DuncanCentre for Food Policy, City University London.
Women livestock keepers and the white Revolution: Assessing the impacts of dairy coops on the pastoralists of Gujurat, India.
Stefanie LempkeDepartment of Gender and Nutrition, Institute for Social Sciences in Agriculture, University of Hohenheim.
Food Security, sustainable livelihoods and gender in South Africa.
Lopamudra Patnaik Saxenaindependent academic researcher and consultant.
Gender, Climate Change & Food Security in South Asia.

Entrance is free but please email d.butler@warwick.ac.uk if you would like to attend

segunda-feira, 28 de janeiro de 2013

Dictionnaire des cultures alimentaires (Dicionário das culturas alimentares)

Sociólogo, Jean-Pierre Poulain é professor da Universidade de Toulouse Le Mirail (Centre d'Études et de Recherche Travail Organização Pouvoir). A Editora Puf também publicou a sua Sociologie de l'obésité.

Este dicionário é o primeiro a revelar a diversidade e riqueza de significados abrangida por todos os aspectos da comida e alimentação.
Pensar sobre este assunto nos leva diretamente ao coração da dialética social e cultural: os produtos caseiros e a globalização, da padronização à autenticidade dos alimentos, do simbólico e do real, da animalidade e da humanidade.

Mas também temos de situá-lo, oscilando entre extremos tais como dádiva e privaçao, ajuda e arma, desnutrição e obesidade, o pensamento indisciplinado e a racionalidade industrial, nutriçao-genética e nutri-genômica, a doença da vaca louca e os vegetarianos , gastronomia e fast-food, a necessidade básica e o ritual religioso sofisticado ... em resumo a partir da incorporação da identidade individual quando comemos, afirmamos o nosso pertencimento a uma cultura.

Mais de 230 estudos, escritos por 162 especialistas de uma grande variedade de horizontes linguísticos e domínios científicos complementares (antropologia, sociologia, medicina, história das religiões, psicologia, direito, economia, história, geografia, política internacional de saúde ...) compõem o menu do Dicionário de Alimentos e culturas alimentares.

Dirigé par Jean-Pierre Poulain, aux Presses Universitaires de France

Voici un ouvrage important, pour amateurs avertis seulement. On y traite du fait alimentaire et de ses multiples aspects tels sociologique, ethnique, historique, religieux, économique, agrono­mi­que et médical, entre autres. On se rend enfin compte de l'importante de l'aspect culturel de l'alimentation. Je me souviens dans les années 1970, avoir contacté la ministre de la Culture du Québec concernant l'aspect culturel de l'alimentation, ce dont j'étais déjà parfaitement convaincu à cette époque. Je me suis fait répondre que ce «fait alimentaire» ne dépendait pas de son ministère! Bon… Et voilà que des scientifiques, des chercheurs, des ethnologues, des professeurs d'université, des théologiens, des économistes, etc., de calibre international se mettent ensemble pour rédiger cet ouvrage monumental qui démontre justement que tout cela est bien culturel.

Cet ouvrage est donc une première par son approche multidisciplinaire et représente un grand pas dans l'évolution de la gastronomie et la connaissance de l'être humain à travers elle.

Thierry Debeur - critique gastronomique canadien, autheur de le Guide Debeur 2013. http://www.debeur.com/site/

Sociologist, Jean-Pierre Poulain is a Professor at the University Toulouse Le Mirail (Centre d’Études et de Recherche Travail Organisation Pouvoir). Puf published his Sociologie de l’obésité.

This dictionary is the first to reveal the diversity and the richness in meaning covered by all aspects of food and eating.
Thinking about this subject naturally takes us straight to the heart of social and cultural dialectics: those of home-grown produce and globalization, of authenticity and food standardization, of the symbolic and the real, of animality and humanity.

But we also have to situate it, oscillating between extremes such as giving and depriving, aid and weapon, malnutrition and fattening, undisciplined thinking and industrial rationality, nutri-genetics and nutri-genomics, the herbivorous and mad cow disease, gastronomy and fast-food, the basic need and the sophisticated religious rite… in brief, from incorporation to individual identity: when we eat, we signify our belonging to a culture.

More than 230 studies, written by 162 specialists from a wide variety of linguistic horizons and complementary scientific domains (anthropology, sociology, medicine, history of religions, psychology, law, economy, history, geography, international health policy…) make up the menu of the Dictionary of Food and Eating Cultures.

quinta-feira, 17 de janeiro de 2013

Nordic Food Culture/ Culture de l'alimentation nordique

Nordic Food Culture

Culture de l'alimentation nordique
Edited by Virginie Amilien, Silje Skuland and Sigurd Bergflødt
  • Entrées

  • Plats de résistance

    articles soumis au comité de relecture
    Main courses
    • Sigurd Bergflødt, Virginie Amilien and Silje Elisabeth Skuland
      Culture(s) de l'alimentation nordique(s) – Pensées et perspectives en guise d'introduction
    • Lotte Holm, Marianne Pipping Ekström, Jukka Gronow, Unni Kjærnes, Thomas BøkerLund, Johanna Mäkelä and Mari Niva
      Studying changes and stabilities in eating patterns
      La modernisation de l’alimentation dans les pays Nordiques : étude des changements et du maintien des habitudes alimentaires
    • Olga Gromasheva
      Interprétation des risques alimentaires par les mères dans les jardins d’enfants de St. Petersburg, Russie, et leurs stratégies de gestion de risques
    • Tenna Jensen
      Long term changes in the intake and quality
      La consommation de gras au Danemark 1900-2000 – Changements à long-terme en matière de qualité et de prises alimentaires
    • Lisa Koustrup, Inge Wittrup, Morten Deleuran Terkildsen and Claus Vinther Nielsen
      Predominance of the medical and parental discourses in dietetic consultations with an obese Danish child.
      “Mais j’ai fait ce que j’ai pu!” - Prédominance des discours médicaux et parentaux dans les consultations diététiques avec une jeune obèse danoise.
    • Silje Elisabeth Skuland and Siv Elin Ånestad
      L’intégration de la consommation des produits diététiques pour les sportifs dans la culture de l’alimentation norvégienne
    • Anita Borch and Gun Roos
      Does the Nordic region represent a special case?
      Vaincre l’obésité en Europe par des Partenariats Public-Privé – La région nordique représente-t-elle un cas particulier ?
    • Atle Wehn Hegnes
      Turning to protected quality through translations of meaning and transformations of materiality
      La qualité protégée comme traduction de sens et transformation de matérialité – Introduction et pratique des Appellations d’Origine (AOC et IGP) en Norvège
    • Mark Emil Tholstrup Hermansen
      An Anthropological Perspective on New Nordic Cuisine as an Expression of Nordic Identity.
      Créer du terroir. Une perspective anthropologique de la Nouvelle Cuisine nordique comme une expression de l’identité Nordique.
    • Silje Elisabeth Skuland, Virginie Amilien and Sigurd Bergflødt
      taste of Nordic food culture(s) by way of conclusion
      Instantanés et portraits, première partie - Culture(s) de l'alimentation nordique(s): bouchées festives en guise de conclusion
    • Anders Holst Markussen
      Organized ferocity / The organized wilderness
      Instantanés et portraits, deuxième partie - Férocité organisée / La Nature sauvage organisée
  • Desserts

    • Alexander Belyi and Antanas Astrauskas
      Disintegration or striving for the lost unity?
      180 ans de discours culinaire lituanien: désintégration ou quête de l’unité perdue ?
    • Anders Holst Markussen
      The soils of Southern Greenland produce surprisingly juicy and sweet vegetables. Reportage from agriculture in Greenland
      Les terres du sud de l’Islande produisent des légumes remarquables ; reportage
    • Sigurd Bergflødt
      Interview with Professor Tobias Nygren, Grythyttan, Sweden.
      Restauration et esthétique : entretien avec Professor Tobias Nygren, de Suède
    • Virginie Amilien
      The first Oslo Food Mall, opened on October 2012
      Bouchée fraîcheur – Album photo du Oslo Mathallen: Le marché couvert d’Oslo ouvert depuis octobre 2012

terça-feira, 15 de janeiro de 2013

Food-Related Lectures & Seminar Series, Hilary Term 2013

Food-Related Lectures & Seminar Series, Hilary Term 2013

There are a number of interesting talks and seminars taking place in Oxford this term on the subject of food, covering an impressively wide range of issues relating to this topic.

You can also see all of these talks listed on the Events page on the Future of Food website.

Please note that the first Oxford Food Security Forum Seminar is taking place today, Monday 14th January at 12.30pm!

Green Templeton Lectures 2013: Feeding a Better Future

In an annual series of four lectures in Hilary Term, the Green Templeton Lectures explore a given contemporary theme through a number of different perspectives, whether it be historical, political, educational or philosophical. Previous themes have included the pharmaceutical industry in 2009 and the sources and forms of uncertainty in modern life.

The theme of the 2013 lectures is Feeding a Better Future. The lectures take place on Monday 21 and 28 January and Monday 4 and 11 February.

One Billion Hungry: Can we Feed the World?
Speaker: Sir Gordon Conway, Professor of International Development, Imperial College.
Monday 21 January

The Role of Nutrition in Mental Health and Performance: Changing Diets, Changing Minds
Speaker: Dr Alex Richardson, Senior Research Fellow, Centre for Evidence-Based Intervention, University of Oxford; Visiting Research Fellow, Depertment of Physiology, Anatomy and Genetics, University of Oxford, and Founder Director, FAB Research.
Monday 28 January

Food Democracy, Food Control and the Social Dimension of Modern Food Policy
Speaker: Professor Tim Lang, Professor of Food Policy, Centre for Food Policy, City University, London.
Monday 4 February

Global Malnutrition: Can We Make A Difference?
Speaker: Professor Jeyakumar Henry, Director, Clinical Nutrition Sciences, Singapore Institute of Clinical Sciences; Director, Functional Food Centre, Oxford Brookes University.
Monday 11 February

Venue: Tsuzuki Lecture Theatre, St Anne's College, Oxford.


The Oxford Food Security Forum Lunchtime Talks Hilary Term 2013: Global Food Security

These lunchtime talks are organised by the student-led Oxford Food Security Forum
Mondays, 12:30-1:30 PM Hilary Term
Venue: Queen Elizabeth House, Meeting Room A, 3 Mansfield Road
Week 1 (14 January): “Climate Change and Rice in India”TODAY
Prof. Barbara Harriss-WhiteSchool of Interdisciplinary Area Studies, University of Oxford
Week 2 (21 January): “Biochar, Sustainability and Food Supply”
Alfred Gathorne-Hardy, Research Fellow, 'The Materiality of Rice' project, University of Oxford
Week 3 (28 January): “Distributed Governance and Restless Consumption: The Case of Novel Foods in Europe”
Tanja SchneiderResearch Fellow in Science and Technology Studies, Said Business School, University of Oxford
Javier Lezaun, PhD, Deputy Director of the Institute for Science, Innovation, and Society, University of Oxford
Week 3 (29 January): “Why Eat Local?” *NOTE: This talk will be on TUESDAY of Week 3
Julian Cottee, Cultivate Oxfordshire
Week 4 (4 February): “Diet, Environmental Sustainability and Chronic Disease”
Peter ScarboroughDPhil, British Heart Foundation Health Promotion Research Group, University of Oxford
Week 5 (11 February): “Food Security and Environmental Change: A Two-­Way Street”
John IngramNatural Environment Research Council (NERC) Food Security Leader, Environmental Change Institute, University of Oxford
Week 6 (18 February): “Food Security, Nutrition and Climate Change Mitigation: Exploring the Links”
Tara GarnettFood Climate Research Network, Environmental Change Institute, University of Oxford
Week 7 (25 February): "Environment and (not “or”) Economics and (not “or”) Ethics"
Mike Gooding, Managing Director at FAI Farms Limited
Week 8 (4 March): “The Role of ‘Gathering’ in Relation to Food Security and Reduced Vulnerability as Part of Agroforestry Development in Rural India”
Professor Steven Newman, Managing Director at BioDiversity International

Linacre College Lectures 2013

Urbanization and food insecurity in an unequal world.
Gordon McGranahan, Principal Researcher, International Institute for Environment and Development.
Thursday 17th January, 17:30
Department of Plant Sciences.

Please check their website for further lectures later in the term:

Unit for Biocultural Variation and Obesity Seminars, Hilary Term 2013: Socialities and Childhood Obesity

24 January (Thursday, week 2)
Karin ELI & Rosie KAY, ISCA, University of Oxford & Rosie Kay Dance Company
"Participant observation in motion: what dance can teach us about eating disorders"

31 January (Thursday, week 3)
Mariano BEGUERISSE-DIAZ, Department of Mathematics and Department of Chemistry, Imperial College London
"Network mathematics in the social sciences: concepts, applications, and perspectives into obesity and public health"

7 February (Thursday, week 4)
Angela DAVIS, Centre for the History of Medicine, University of Warwick
"Maternity and childcare in Britain: a historical perspective"

14 February (Thursday, week 5)
Brit OPPEDAL, National Institute of Public Health, Norway
"Social integration of migrant children: uncovering family factors promoting healthy development: experience from Norway"

21 February (Thursday, week 6)
Hiranthi JAYAWEERA, COMPAS, University of Oxford
"Minority families and barriers to health care"

28 February (Thursday, week 7)
Laurel EDMUNDS, Oxford Institute of Ageing, University of Oxford
"Treating obesity early in life: the common misunderstandings between parents and health care providers"

7 March (Thursday, week 8)
Lucy COOKE, Health Behaviour Research Centre, University College London
"Children’s eating habits and food preferences: determinants and consequences"


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