quarta-feira, 11 de julho de 2012

Sustainable Agriculture Education Association's 5th conference in Corvallis, Oregon

September 9th and 10th, 2012
The Sustainable Agriculture Education Association (SAEA) is a national organization that champions innovative educational approaches for sustainable agriculture through the development, application, and research of teaching and learning practices. The primary activity of SAEA has been hosting participatory conferences that provide a unique opportunity for participants to exchange ideas through in-depth discussions. These highly acclaimed conferences break down the traditional roles of speaker and audience by including opportunities for rich interaction and dialogue in addition to traditional presentations. The SAEA conferences are solutions-based with the goal of providing both teachers and learners practical ideas and educational content to take back to their home institutions to increase opportunities and improve curricula in sustainable agriculture education.
Oregon State University (OSU) is hosting the September 2012 SAEA conference in collaboration with Linn-Benton Community College and Willamette University. The theme of the 2012 SAEA conference is "The Campus Food System: A Learning Laboratory." We aim to engage participants in the examination of the campus-based food system of OSU and the abundance of the Willamette Valley as a vehicle to investigate how educational organizations can use place-based opportunities to further sustainable agriculture education in colleges and universities as well as informal settings across the US.
Share your passion for sustainable agriculture and food systems education at the 2012 SAEA conference in Corvallis, Oregon by submitting an abstract for a presentation. Abstracts should be 150-250 words, single spaced, and submitted in a Word .doc or .docx via email attachment to: saea2012@oregonstate.edu . The deadline for abstract submission deadline is Monday July 23, 2012
Guidelines for presentations:
·         Teachers and trainers, future agrarians, community builders and others involved in sustainable agriculture education are invited to present at this conference. Particularly, teaching and extension faculty; non-profit, agency, and institutional outreach personnel; and farmers with educational programs may share their experience. We strongly encourage undergraduate and graduate students to send an abstract of their work in sustainable agricultural education.
·         Presentations may address the conference theme: "The Campus Food System: A Learning Laboratory" or other aspects of sustainable agriculture education. Within the conference theme, you may share with conference participants how you use campus
·         farms, campus food services, campus-community connections and other campus food supply chains elements to teach formally and informally about sustainable agriculture and the food system at large.
·         Other topics may include but are not limited to educational activities with urban or beginner farmers and involvement in service learning or community food security programs. Emphasis should be on the lessons learned from past experience and on tools and strategies that other educators can use and modify. Presentations without an educational focus are not acceptable.
Three different presentation formats are available:
·         formal oral presentations,
·         poster presentations and
·         facilitated discussions.
Oral presentations may be 15 or 30 minutes, facilitated discussions 45 to 60 minutes in length. For facilitated discussions include in the abstract a brief outline on how you intend to involve the audience. Posters are limited to a size of 3 x 4 feet (91 x 152 cm).
Time of presentations
·         Accepted presentations will be scheduled between Sunday (Sept. 9) 10:00 AM and Monday (Sept. 10) 10:00 AM.
·         For more information and updates, check the SAEA website http://sustainableaged.org/
Provide the following information for full consideration:
I) General Information
1) First and last name of each author
2) Full contact information (email and phone)
3) Organizational affiliation
4) Title of submission
5) Format of presentation
Poster - maximum size 3’x4’
Oral presentation (Indicate time needed: 15 or 30 minutes)
Facilitated discussion (Indicate time needed: 45 or 60 minutes)
II) Abstract
1) 150-250 words, single spaced
2) Submitted in a Word .doc or .docx via email attachment to: saea2012@oregonstate.edu
3) Deadline for abstracts: Monday July 23, 2012
SAEA 2012 Coordinating Committee
Anita Azarenko, Oregon State University
Stefan Seiter, Linn Benton Community College
Jennifer Johns, Willamette University
Damian Parr, University of California, Santa Cruz
Weston Miller, Oregon State University
Kristin Pool, Oregon State University
Linda Brewer, Oregon State University

This message has been forwarded by the SOAS Food Studies Centre, located in the Department of Anthropology at the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London. The Centre is chaired by Harry G. West, Professor of Anthropology. 

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