terça-feira, 26 de março de 2013

The International Commission on the Anthropology of Food and Nutrition (ICAF)

The general aims of the International Commission on the Anthropology of Food and Nutrition (ICAF)are to promote and coordinate collaboration and research in biological and social anthropology in regard to the sciences of food and nutrition, fostering in particular a pluridisciplinary approach.
ICAF is a commission of the International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences (IUAES)
Honorary Members:
Mary Douglas - Igor de Garine - Annie Hubert
further information will be available soon 
What's new (March 2013) see on: http://www.icafood.eu/

 Title: What is ICAF ?

The Aims of ICAF

The aims of the Commission are :
To assist world anthropologists in their basic and applied research on food.
To encourage indigenous expertise on food problems in developing countries.
To promote the collaboration of anthropologists with institutions and individual experts from related fields of study.
To stimulate education and training in the anthropology of food.

Anthropologists, with their traditional interest in the place of food in social life, are giving renewed attention to food in international development. The Commission was set up to coordinate their work on food studies, world hunger, and malnutrition.

Biological and social anthropologists are interested in the way food supplies may be affected by changes in energy systems, market structure, public policies, family composition, and women's roles, as well as by technological change.

The mandate of the commission calls for basic and applied research on food production, storage, exchange, feeding, and food symbolism in the light of major structural changes. This includes nutritional studies of vulnerable segments of the population : mothers and young children, the industrial poor, and the rural poor.

One special focus is the changing ethic regarding food in international development. Consequently, it involves experts, and development specialists. Above all, it is a central concern of ICAF to make anthropologists' work on food available to policy and planning agencies, both governmental and international, and to exchange information with them on a continuing basis.

The Commission is international. The President is Helen Macbeth and the General Secretary is Frederic Duhart . The international Treasurer is Paul Collinson The organisational structure is developing. The general plan is one of regional sections, within which there are national committees or representatives.

Some national committees or representatives do not find themselves logically within one of the existing regional sections. In such cases the national committee is described as “in contact with”, rather than “within”, a regional section of its choice. The situation with regard to national committees and regional sections is always developing. The current position can be checked within this WebSite and we welcome updated information.
An annual report is written by the Commissioner to the Secretary-General of IUAES. For this report each national committee or representative should provide annual information to the Chair of its regional section. The Chair of that regional section, on request from the Commissioner, then gives a regional report to the Commissioner.
ICAF(Europe) has worked with this system longest and its structure of national committees is most advanced and still developing. This has meant a productive series of conferences each organised by a different national committee or representative. From these conferences several books (see ICAF Publications) have been published, and the series is continuing.
ICAF Europe organisational structure:
ICAF for Australasia and the Pacific was convened in May 1980 at the annual meeting of the Australian and New Zealand Association for the Advancement of Science (ANZAAS). Some Links have been maintained in regard to the anthropology of food, but a structure like that of ICAF(Europe) is now envisaged.
ICAF (Latin America) has some very active members among whom a more formal structure will now be considered. We await further information.
The situation in North America needs to be clarified as there exist other very active associations with whom individuals have useful contact.
Some other larger or smaller regional sections have been discussed and further groupings are encouraged and anticipated. To discuss such possibilities or initiate a new grouping contact should be made to the General Secretary, Annie Hubert. To initiate a new national committee send an email either to the appropriate regional Chair or to the General Secretary.
However, all these structures are structures that must be based on paid-up membership. National committees are responsible for collecting membership fees. To become a member of ICAF, please contact your national committee or representative or the Chair of the regional section or the General Secretary, Frederic Duhart. Membership years shall begin on lst July. ICAF will pay for group membership of IUAES.

segunda-feira, 4 de março de 2013


22 al 24 de mayo
Ciudad de México
Dra. Miriam Bertran Vilá. UAM-X
Dra. Virginia García Acosta. CIESAS
Dr. Charles-Edouard de Sureiman. IRD, France
La complejidad de los sistemas alimentarios, desde la producción hasta el consumo,  y sus efectos en distintos ámbitos requieren que se analice desde diferentes perspectivas. El análisis antropológico ha sido una alternativa que ha ido generando datos para comprender dicha complejidad, aunque al mismo tiempo se han planteado nuevas preguntas. En la sociedad contemporánea, la globalización, la expansión de la distribución y el consumo, la seguridad alimentaria, las formas de producción y sus efectos, así como la convivencia de la obesidad con procesos de hambre y desnutrición, multiplican los retos de la investigación sobre las formas de producir, distribuir, preparar y consumir los alimentos.
Objetivos: Reunir a reconocidos investigadores de los aspectos socioculturales de la alimentación, desde la producción hasta el consumo, para presentar los avances de investigación, generar un espacio de intercambio académico, definir líneas de investigación pertinentes, establecer redes de colaboración interinstitucional a nivel nacional e internacional.
En diversas instituciones de México y con distinto grado de avance se hacen estudios del proceso alimentario desde la antropología social. En este momento, quiénes estamos trabajando en el área requerimos hacer grupos de investigación interinstitucionales para aprovechas las experiencias y los recursos con los que contamos. Es una idea compartida que es un área que tiene un gran potencial, genera interés y puede aportar conocimientos útiles para las políticas y programa de alimentación, nutrición, salud y desarrollo social. Sin embargo, hasta ahora no ha habido un espacio que nos reúna a todos.
Áreas temáticas:
-        Producción de alimentos y desarrollo rural sustentable
-        Cambio continuidad de las dietas tradicionales ante la globalización
-        Alimentación, cultura y salud: entre la obesidad y la desnutrición.
-        Efectos sociales de la patrimonialización de las cocinas locales.
-        Crisis económicas y reorganización de la alimentación familiar
-        Soberanía y seguridad alimentaria
2 días de conferencias en el auditorio de la UAM-X, para integrar a toda la comunidad universitaria y público en general.
1 día de seminario con participantes escogidos: ponentes extranjeros, investigadores de otras instituciones mexicanas participantes, estudiantes de posgrado. Esta reunión se pretende que sea en la Casa Galván de la UAM en la colonia Roma.
Instituciones participantes:
-        Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana- Xochimilco. México
-        Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios Superiores en Antropología Social. México
-        Observatorio de la alimentación. Universidad de Barcelona. España
-        Universidad Iberoamericana
-        Institut de recherche pour le développement. Francia
Dra. Miriam Bertran Vilá
Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana. Xochimilco. México
Dr. Jesús Contreras Hernández.
Observatorio de la Alimentación. Universidad de Barcelona
Dra. Ma. Eunice Maciel.
Universidad Federal de Rio Grande del Sur. Brasil
Dra. Teresa Ochoa Rivera
Universidad Iberoamericana. México
Dra. Sara Elena Pérez-Gil Romo
Instituto Nacional de Ciencias Médicas y Nutrición Salvador Zubirán. México
Dr. Charles-Edouard de Suremain
Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD). Francia
Dra. Virginia García Acosta
Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios Superiores en Antropología Social. México
