terça-feira, 16 de outubro de 2012

Jewish Food Through Song and Film

Register now for the five-week online course: Jewish Food Through Song and Film! Details about the course and how to register are below: 

Jewish Food Through Song and Film (NFDS2952)Five-week ONLINE course, beginning on Saturday Nov 10th
Instructor: Laura Silver

Description: This course offers a taste of eastern European and American Jewish culture through songs, films, and personal narratives about food. We explore the Jewish experience and cultural and religious identities through foods that came to the United States by way of Jewish immigrants from Russia, Poland, and Romania. Traditional foods and their modern-day incarnations guide our exploration of Ashkenazi Jewish identity, culture, and peoplehood. We use Yiddish and Hebrew expressions to decode words and phrases we encounter in our explorations from the Old World to the New, from the Pale of Settlement to the sidewalks of the Lower East Side and the suburbs of middle America.

Click here to register!*

*This link will direct you to the online continuing education registration website. Select "New School for Public Engagement" and "Fall 2012" and click "view courses". Click on "Food Studies" and you will be directed to a list of food studies courses. Select "NFDS2952 Jewish Food Through Song and Film" and then select the "non-credit" payment option. You will then be directed to online payment instructions. 

Department of Food Studies
66 W. 12th Street
Room 901
New York, NY 10011

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