quarta-feira, 31 de outubro de 2012

Dynamics in Food and Agriculture based Supply Chains

2013 Berlin Mini-conference “Dynamics in Food and Agriculture based Supply Chains”
International Geography Union (IGU) - Commission on the Dynamics of Economic Spaces
Thursday 11, July – Saturday 13, July, 2013
Call for Papers
The IGU Commission on the Dynamics of Economic Spaces aims to extend international research and scholarship in geography, to promote international collaboration in research activity and the dissemination of research findings, and to facilitate the transfer of knowledge, experience and expertise between countries and institutions (http://uac.utoledo.edu/igu_commission/).
The 2013 Berlin Mini-conference: During recent decades fundamental changes in the way food is produced (e.g. industrialization of agriculture), distributed (e.g. globalization of food trade), marketed (e.g. supermarketisation globalization and structural change of the retail sector) and consumed (e.g. growing market share of processed food, globalization of culinary culture, new rise of ecological food) have occurred in many countries of the world. The changes include fundamental shifts in the structure, organization and governance in food production and supply chains. These developments influence their regional and international settings and vice versa. The conference invites geographers and experts from related fields to contribute on these topics. Presentations may include theoretical works (e.g. on Global Production Networks, Global Commodity Chains, regional food clusters, new institutional economics) case studies (e.g. regional examples, commodities, supply chains, retail and trade developments, institutional changes ) and further scientific and applied works.
We invite contributions to the conference including the following topics:
Global Production Networks
Globalization and rural change discourses
Global commodity chains, value chains, supply chains and rural development
Informal production
Conventions in international value chains
Rural livelihoods and households
Innovative agri_food clusters
Renewable resources
Rural innovation systems
Resilient rural regions
Dynamics in food retail
Ecosystem services
Alternative food geographies
Globalization and sustainable rural development
In addition we are also organising an open session on all topics related to Dynamics of Economic Spaces.
While this conference is sponsored by the International Geographical Union Commission on the Dynamics of Economic Spaces we are particularly interested in participants from
a variety of disciplines (e.g., sociology, agricultural economics, gender studies, planning, international business, and economics).
Local Organizers:
Peter Dannenberg and Elmar Kulke
Economic Geography, Department of Geography, Humboldt-University at Berlin
Important Dates:
300_word abstract or full paper by 31 January 2013
Deadline for registration is 1 April 2013
Conference publications:
Papers presented for this meeting will be considered for the Commission’s publication
initiatives. It is aimed to launch a special issue in a peer reviewed journal soon after the conference. Presenters who are interested to participate in such an issue are invited to submit a full paper by 31 January. 2013
Conference Package:
Includes all meals, and conference materials, excludes accommodation: 90 EUR
Conference field trip (optional):
"Organic Farming and Regional Marketing in Berlin Brandenburg" (13.07.2011): 65 EUR
"The technology park Adlershof - An innovative milieu?" (13.07.2011) FREE

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